Weight Loss & Weight Management

Weight loss was difficult, but the hardest part is keeping the weight off. While individuals who have undergone weight loss may be thrilled that they have achieved their goals, without the proper guidance and medical advice, their efforts might have been for nothing.

At Providence Clinic, our doctors are able to tailor a weight management program to assist patients with weight loss and to achieve their target weight goals in a healthy way with exercise prescription and occasionally, medications. Subsequently, our focus is on the maintenance of these achieved goals and a healthy, active lifestyle.

Weight management may help patients keep the weight they lost from returning, which is often harder than losing weight in the first place. Some common programmes will include diet and exercise programmes tailored to the individual as well as simple routines that patients can keep to maintain their new weight such as continuing to monitor their food intake and drinking water before eating. At Providence Clinic, our doctors will help individuals remain their optimal healthy weight through recommending tailor-made exercise and diet regimes that individuals can incorporate into their daily lives, as well as help them see that a healthier lifestyle is the only way to lose weight for good.

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Clinic Locations

Providence Clinic @ Redhill

Providence Clinic @ Hillford

Providence Clinic @ Novena

Specialist Paediatric services available at Kids R us Clinic. By appointment, do reach out to us at our Clinic number 6373 0656 or WhatsApp us 8339 9756